Christian Voice came about when Christians gathered at Hothorpe Hall in October 1994, concerned about the rise immorality and depravity within the nation and challenged by the following verse of scripture:
Psalm 94:16 Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand for me against the workers of iniquity?
Stephen Green was elected as National Director of a new Christian organisation founded on scripture and dedicated to: uphold Christianity as the Faith of the United Kingdom, to be a voice for Biblical values in law and public policy, to defend and support traditional family life, and at all times to rely humbly on the blessing of Almighty God.
From the start, Christian Voice was dedicated to analysing current events in the light of scripture and giving individual Christians the information they needed to pray and to witness to their Members of Parliament and others in public life. We recognised that nations are blessed when they walk in obedience to the ways of the Lord, and that the Bible commands prayer for our leaders. That is why from the start we urged our members to pray for national repentance and work for Godly government.
In January 2009, Christian Voice merged with the National Council for Christian Standards in Society. NCCSS was set up in 1986 by Maud, Lady Watherston and others to ‘Re-Establish Biblical Christian Teaching Throughout the Nation’. The Trust operates as Christian Voice and the aims of the Charity neatly dovetail those of Christian Voice in seeking to speak Biblical truth to those in power and be a prophetic voice to the nation.
From its earliest days Christian Voice has sent out a newsletter to members. It was recently brought up-to-date with a new, attractive layout, but the message remains unchanged. To confront topical issues with a Biblical perspective and point out where prayer and action can readily be effectively mobilised. We seek to empower and encourage our members to see what God says, bring the matter before him, and witness through contacting those in authority to influence the governance of our realm to be in accord with godly precepts.
Christian Voice is not ashamed to believe in one creator God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as stated in the historic creeds of the Christian church. We acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord over all creation. We believe the Holy Bible to be the inspired, infallible, written Word of God to whose precepts, given for the good of nations and individuals, all man’s laws must submit.
We believe all government to be under the authority of God and that its purpose is the maintenance of freedom and justice solely in accordance with biblical principles.