Membership is open to all who can subscribe to our statement of faith

An interactive form needs putting here plus a simple way to apply and pay for membership.

I/we wish to join Christian Voice. (Husband and wife may join as one)

  • I/we support the aims of Christian Voice and agree with the Statement of Faith.

  • Please send me my free copy of the Lamplight Bible reading plan (Christians are built up and fully equipped through seeking the Lord in His Word and He will bless you through regular study of it. “Lamplight” takes you through the Old and New Testaments over the course of the year with relevant psalms and proverbs) and the latest Christian Voice newsletter, full of confidential prayer targets, which never goes up on the web.

  • I/we agree to computer storage of all information provided, solely for the use of Christian Voice, and to receiving communications (monthly newsletter, emails and the occasional text) from Christian Voice.


Christian Voice is not ashamed to believe in one creator God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as stated in the historic creeds of the Christian church. We acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord over all creation. We believe the Holy Bible to be the inspired, infallible, written Word of God to whose precepts, given for the good of nations and individuals, all man’s laws must submit.
We believe all government to be under the authority of God and that its purpose is the maintenance of freedom and justice solely in accordance with biblical principles.